Patch-N-Go, L.L.C.
Kirch's Kwik Patch
The Quickest fix ever!
Emergency Watercraft Repair
How Patch-N-Go came about...
In his own words, Donald J. Kirchberger (CEO) tells the story of how he was inspired to create Patch-N-Go:

          "I had just arrived in Montana for my annual trout-fishing trip and was unpacking my pontoon boat so I could start fishing the Missouri River by early afternoon.  During the set-up I noticed there was a leak in one of the pontoons, which had most probably been caused while transporting the boat from home. I located the patch kit that had been supplied with the boat.  The directions stated the patch would take 12 hours to cure.  Well, I was only going to be in Montana for 5 days; consequently, I was not a happy fisherman! I patched the pontoon and waited not too happily for the patch to cure. During the interim, I remembered my friend telling me about a new adhesive that cured quickly. I called him and he quickly FedExed me two 8x10 sheets overnight."

          "The next morning I discovered that I had two additional holes. I did not have another 12 hours to give this process!  This time I used the Teflon material to make the repair and within the hour, I was ready to go.  I fished all week with no problems. Now, I know this sounds like a 'fish story,' but it actually happened that way!"

          "Now after 30 years of engineering experience, I knew there must be a better way to deal th these problems, so I designed a repair kit to help fisherman, like me, who wants a quick repair for annoying incnveniences."